Thursday, February 21, 2008

"Freak East/Outclass Highland"

Kirstyn with three of her friends. The boy on the left actually shaved his head and took out his two "false" front teeth.

Two of Kirstyn's friends, Sadie and Brianna. Brianna used a water bottle to get her hair to stand up on her head like that.

The Highland High School Studentbody

Highland High School has a tradition that goes back to 1972. When the basketball team plays East High School at Highland, all of the Highland studentbody dresses up. The Highland students dress up looking like freaks and East students dressing up in tuxedos, formal dresses (purched at the Deseret Industries) or Hefty trash bags (becaue it doesn't take much to out class Highland). It is the biggest game of the year with the Pep Club and Cheerleaders doing a crazy dance at halftime. Thanks to MONIQUE NIELSEN (the Highland cheerleader advisor) this years halftime was extra freaky and filled with school spirit, even the principals got into it.
If you diden't already know, East High was the school where Disneys "High School Musical" was filmed. Now, there is a film being released about the Highland High School Rugby Team called "Forever Strong". The film was inspired not only by the school, but actual students, coaches, and it's increadible rugby team that has dominated the nation for three pluss decades. Highland alulmni were used to play their own parts, and the title "Forever Strong" comes from the rugby team's moto.

The rivalry continues...."Highschool Musical" vs "Forever Strong".


Jeff said...

That was is one of the best traditions at Highland. I never dressed up freaky due to keeping the bench nice and warm.

Mrs. Budge said...

What a fun tradition, Kirstyn freaked me out.