Sunday, December 9, 2007

2007 Highland High, Winter Prom

Last night Kirstyn went to her girls choice, Senior Winter Prom dance. She looked stunning in her white dress with red earrings, red purse, red jacket and red shoes. Her date was a nice young man that she has known since the second grade. He is a triplet with a sister and brother. Kirstyn was named 1st attendant to the Prom queen which was great because she got a dozen pink roses along with the dozen red roses that her date gave her. She also did not have to pay for pictures or to get into the dance which saved her about $60.00. For those of you with young children dances can become very expensive so start saving up now. It is hard for me to believe that after this year she will be off to collage. The older I get the faster time seems to zoom by.


Miss Jackie said...

WOW!! Kirstyn...hottie! She looked so pretty! Makes me tear all up! I'm glad I got to see some pictures!!

cjanddiane said...

Wow! I can't believe how much she has grown up. She is so pretty.

Mrs. Budge said...

Congratulations on the royalty. I'm glad to see that you are making the most of your senior year. Live it up while you can.